I survived Friday evening as organizer for The Hudson Valley Wine & Culinary Food Pairing Dinner – A Celebration of Hudson Valley Wines. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. There were 78 people that came to celebrate the award winning wines of the Hudson Valley. The view from the restaurant was just breathtaking!
On Wednesday I happen to bump into Jim Trezise, President of the New York Wine & Grape Foundation at Destination Riesling in New York City. He mentioned that he wanted to attend Friday’s dinner. I told him that was wonderful, but there was a catch…would he present Ben with the Veritas Award. Jim told me he would be honored, and I kept the secret from Phyllis, so she was quite surprise and thrilled when she walked into the restaurant and saw him.Jim presented Ben with The Hudson Valley Veritas Award for lifetime achievement and visionary leadership in Hudson Valley winemaking.
The evening went on and I along with my “partner in crime” Colleen Hughes, presented all the awards. Everyone was having such a great time, they had to tell us to leave around 11:30.
I will have the video of the dinner available as soon as we edit it. In the meantime here are the pictures from the dinner to enjoy.